02 03 Ann Mortimer's Painting Blog: Introductory Beginners Taster Day workshops... two new dates 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Introductory Beginners Taster Day workshops... two new dates

Because I had to cancel the beginners workshop on 13 October, I'm offering two more dates for those who would like to come to a day's workshop in my West Bridgford garden studio trying out watercolour techniques and covering the basics of this fascinating medium.

You will go away with some work that you will be proud of and which will make you astonished at your own skill!  You'll work hard but it will be fun!

Saturday 3 November 2012 10am til 5pm

Saturday 10 November 2012 10am til 5pm

Hawthorn catching the sun

I've uploaded a watercolour I finished yesterday from a photo I took last year of hawthorn berries.  They're adorning the hedges again with their bright jewel colours...love this time of year!

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