02 03 Ann Mortimer's Painting Blog: Autumn 2013 and Spring 2014 Workshop dates 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Autumn 2013 and Spring 2014 Workshop dates

Here are the dates of workshops I have planned for Autumn and Spring.  I hope you'll be able to come along and enjoy painting these new projects.  Numbers are limited to no more than 8 painters so book early to avoid disappointment!

Day Workshops 2013/2014

 -Workshops will take place in my studio at home in West Bridgford, NG2 6GF.
-Only six painters per workshop so plenty of individual tuition and attention.
 -Workshops run from 10am til 4pm.  Refreshments included.  Bring a packed lunch.

PRICE:  £50    (£10 deposit on booking.)


Tuesday September 24   “Negative Painting Technique”

Wednesday October 2  “Autumn Fruits”

Tuesday October 15  “Autumn Leaves”

Wednesday October 30  “Painting Flowers with Impact”

Wednesday November 6  “Seasonal Flowers and Leaves”


These workshops will deal with various aspects of flower painting with the aim of producing paintings that have vibrant colour, depth and tonal contrast.

Tuesday March 4

Wednesday March 19

Tuesday April 1

Wednesday May 14

Tuesday May 20

Please email me at ann@annmortimerart and I will give you address details for your deposit.

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