02 03 Ann Mortimer's Painting Blog: Update on Courses in Autumn 2013 and calling all beginners... 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Update on Courses in Autumn 2013 and calling all beginners...

A quick update on my Autumn workshops.  They have booked up well.


Tuesday September 24   “Negative Painting Technique” FULL

Wednesday October 2  “Autumn Fruits” One place left (2 for 2 friends coming together)

Tuesday October 15  “Autumn Leaves” One place left (2 for 2 coming together)

Wednesday October 30  “Painting Flowers with Impact” FULL

Wednesday November 6  “Seasonal Flowers and Leaves” FULL

Book soon for the remaining places if you want to come.  

These are whole day workshops, 10am til 4pm in my garden studio in West Bridgford, NG2 6GF.  Normally only 6 students (sometimes 7 or 8) so you get individual attention.  Price £50 to include refreshments throughout the day.  Please bring a packed lunch...there'll  be a glass of wine to keep you inspired!


I get enquiries now and again from people who want to make a start with watercolour and I do love setting people off on their journey. 

 If you are interested in a workshop which will cover the main points and get you started and where you will produce your first watercolour paintings to be proud of, then get in touch.  I need a group of at least four to make this viable.

Please email ann@annmortimerart and perhaps we can arrange a day for a small group in the studio.

Here's the sort of thing you might paint...

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