02 03 Ann Mortimer's Painting Blog: Moving House...Moving Studios! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Moving House...Moving Studios!

We are moving house and even though I have lived in many different houses in my life, this last house has sheltered us for 25 years.  A quarter of a century!

I don't think I realised how the process of moving completely stops you in your tracks and seems to put life on hold somehow.  So no paintng, no blogging...just the long wait for things to proceed...

And of course I'm leaving my studio behind and probably I wont realise until I don't have it any more how much I have loved it.

But today I'm letting you know about an open weekend this coming weekend.  I am needing to shed some of my stuff as I wont have anything like the same amount of room in the new house.  So here's a little call to those who are local and who might be able to drop in and say hello.  It would be lovely to see you!

Here are some details....

Studio Clearance Sale at 44 Stamford Road 
NG2 6GF (We’re moving house! I need to offload!)

Please call in on Saturday 11 or Sunday 12 April 10am til 4pm

Knock down prices on the following...

BOOKS about Painting by various popular authors (Wendy Tait, Lucy Willis, Mike Chaplin, Jo Dowden, Arnold Lowrey etc.)

 Paintings (framed, mounted, unmounted)

Greetings Cards...
           Card blanks...
                       Polybags for cards...
FRAMES...new and reusable, art materials
Step by Step guides...

My book “Orchids in Watercolour” Reduced Price*
My Watercolour Techniques DVD Reduced Price*

And lots more...Giveaways and Freebies! Have a cuppa while you browse! There will be cake!

25% of takings will go to Cancer Research UK

*For this event only            
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