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Learning with me on YouTube


Change is afoot at Ann Mortimer Art HQ, so I thought I’d post a quick update here on the blog.

As many of your know, my DVD ‘Watercolour Techniques by Ann Mortimer’ has been available over on the website since 2014, and there are also lots of tutorial videos on my YouTube channel, including the Clematis demo I filmed a few weeks back, which you can view here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQkJGUikdZ4

Demo available to watch free on YouTube

Recently, YouTube added the possibility of offering rental and purchase options for videos. This came just at the right time for me, as I have nearly run out of DVDs to sell!
So, as from today, two of the three* videos on the DVD will be available to either purchase or rent directly from YouTube, and the physical DVD will not longer be for sale (there are still a few left if you’re quick). If you rent a video on YouTube you will be given access for 72 hours. Purchasing a video makes this access permanent: You will always be able to watch the video on YouTube, but you don’t actually download it. And don’t worry about moving your computer to your painting desk – you can view the videos on tablets and smartphones too, and they look great. Best of all: you have instant access! There’s no waiting around for your DVD to arrive, you can start watching and painting right away!
(*We are still working on making "Negative Painting" available.)

Finally, one more thing: As well as releasing the DVD videos on YouTube, I have also filmed a completely new demonstration which will available exclusively to rent or buy on YouTube. The subject is Sunny Dog Roses and you will be able to view extracts of the videos for free.

Sunny Dog Roses by Ann Mortimer

So lots of news! I am very excited about expanding the YouTube channel to offer instant purchase and rental videos, and I really hope lots of you will enjoy them and channel the inspiration into your own watercolour painting.
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