02 03 Ann Mortimer's Painting Blog: Society of Floral Painters workshop coming up... 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Society of Floral Painters workshop coming up...


Today I'm preparing and packing up all my stuff ready to make the journey down to Southampton for a workshop I'm running for the Society of Floral Painters. I'm always delighted to be asked to do this for them as I know that they are great flower lovers and serious floral artists. No pressure there then!
We're going to be looking at White Cosmos. While I was painting them this summer at the time when they were abundant in the garden, I decided that they would be a good subject to tackle with the SFP members. They are nice simple open flowers in their form so we can enjoy placing them in a more complex background of varied flowers and leaves. Added sunshine should help us produce a fresh, lively painting of an abundant summer border. That's the plan anyway!
I have used a blue/green palette, led by the muted glaucous greens of the poppy seed heads that were there at the time. This is relieved by the bright yellows of the flower centres.
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