02 03 Ann Mortimer's Painting Blog: Cromford Watercolour Painting Courses...look what you'll be missing! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Cromford Watercolour Painting Courses...look what you'll be missing!


I thought I'd put a little taster of the sort of things we will be looking at on the courses in August and October. Two residential painting courses running from Monday to Thursday in Cromford, Derbyshire, where I will be sharing my watercolour techniques with you and where you could have a relaxing painting break with all your accommodation and meals provided in a beautiful setting. Your only worry would be to change your painting water occasionally!

(Scroll down to read more).

Here's a little vignette produced from a scene close by the hotel where we'll be staying. Keeping our eyes peeled for likely painting possibilities is all part of the creative process and on a visit to Cromford last year I noticed this corner and couldn't resist painting it.

It could equally well have been done in pen and wash or left as a pencil drawing.

There are all sorts of similar subjects in Cromford and around the hotel. We will be spoilt for choice!

To find out more...
email me at annmortimer@gmail.com

or telephone 0115 9743658
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