
Tuesday 12 March 2013

Back in the studio and painting...

I'm so glad to back in the studio and getting down to painting again.  I've been getting over the hip replacement op. I had in January.  All is going well, I'm almost back to normal and every day I have thought about painting but just not able to go and do it.  So I have been making plans and also amusing myself uploading images on to my facebook page.  But the last week or so I've been at the computer or at my painting table doing stuff.

People who are coming on the holidays this year at Alison House in Cromford will have received a newsletter from me and an update.  I am really looking forward to the first holiday in June, not least because perhaps we will have warmer, kinder weather by then!  Also my daughter Sophie will be arriving here from Seattle, USA early June and obviously I can't wait to see her again.

Patchings Festival (6-9 June) has been on my mind too.  Lots to think about for to frame, workshops to advertise, demos to plan.

I've been putting my mind to the projects we will be doing in my weekly classes.  In order to prepare properly I have to paint the subject myself or at least have done a lot of planning, sketching and trying out.
I've been looking at White Hellebores as it doesn't seem possible to have them there in the garden and not to paint them.  Here's what I came up with.

White Hellebores

Every time I paint a flower that I'm very familiar with, I see things slightly differently and doing this has made me revisit and  revise what I already knew about these hellebores.  I'm looking forward to having a go with the classes in April.  It might not be exactly this composition, but not far off.

1 comment:

  1. hips can be tricky... glad to hear yours is getting better. I find it sometimes hard to get back into the groove of painting after a long absence. You did great with these hellebores - love the coloring of the background flowers.
