
Thursday 14 November 2013

A room with a view

I’m staying on the south coast of UK at the moment where my husband is working on a project.  And so I have the benefit of a wonderful sea view.  I’ve set up my painting table in front of the window and have an unbelievably beautiful aspect to enjoy as I paint.

The view changes throughout the day, the sea, the waves, the sky, the people walking their dogs and fishing on the beach, the seagulls and cormorants swooping by, the boats sailing’s an ever changing scene and is fascinating.  You are never bored of it.
Everyone, not only artists, is affected by their environment and sitting gazing at the scene here makes my mind turn to seascapes and the elements that make up the picture...the pebbly beach, the rocky sea defences, the people silhouetted against the sea as they walk by, the sun rising through the clouds in the morning.

  It would be good to try and render some of this in watercolour.
So to make a start I’m going to walk out and see what I can find to bring back in and have a look at...perhaps some pebbles and shells to start with...

I am a flower painter so this is a big change for me!

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