
Sunday 29 December 2013

New year rings the changes and brings exciting news...

Just come in from the garden after some slash and burn.  Great weather for gardening today, no wind and sun shining.  Bit of a problem seeing anything clearly looking South as the sun is so low, it's blinding!

I cut back the hellebore leaves to expose the new buds which are numerous and fat and healthy.  I know they wont look as grand as the ones depicted in my painting above but they will soon provide a welcome bit of colour and beautiful form.

I'm busy writing an article on Painting Glass for Leisure Painter to appear in the April 2014 issue.  I'm going to be talking about one of the projects that is on my new DVD which is due to be available at the beginning of February at a very reasonable price for 1 hour 50 mins and three full projects.  All the details will be on my website which is undergoing an update as we speak.

New features will include a new gallery and a new SHOP page where paintings and DVDs and books will be for sale through Paypal with one click of the mouse or by simply contacting me.  Over the last few months several people have asked mainly via Facebook where they could purchase my paintings so this will be a big improvement.

Exciting!  A you tube trailer for the new DVD will be available for you to see here on the blog and on my website so please keep coming back.  I'm reliably informed that the trailer will be ready around 3 January so look out for that.

A Happy New Year to everyone and a warm thank you for your continued support.

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