
Wednesday 24 February 2016

Being a modern day artist involves more than getting your paints and paper out as I'm finding right now.

If art is about communication and sharing, which I think it is, then you cannot ignore social media...I'm talking Facebook, Blogs such as this one, online galleries such as Redbubble.

I love sharing what I makes sense of it all.  Why paint otherwise?  I realised lately that I am not your classic tortured artist with a desperate message to put over in order to express inner turmoil and anguish.

I just love nature, beautiful things and working with my hands and eyes and senses using  watercolour as my medium.

And here are some paintings of beautiful things...

So in order to share my art I plan to upload videos on YouTube and demos of my favourite subjects here and on Facebook.  

If all goes well, we will be making some films next week.