
Monday 28 March 2016

Painting again...

So much to tell you!
I have been posting on facebook a lot.  I sometimes wonder how many of you lovely followers also look at facebook and my page.

Whether it's the Spring, the lighter days, I don't know but I feel like painting again.  I expect many people who paint feel the same way.  I have been creating new work and enjoying the process.

White Hellebores

Hellebores always seem to start the painting year off, if it hasn't already been snowdrops!  I bought some new hellebore plants for our new garden and this is one of them with the sun on it.

With fresh enthusiasm I went through my drawings and preparatory sketches that I had abandoned and was able to create this Sweet Peas painting from a photo taken a few years ago.  What inspired me was the backlighting...that seems always to do it for me!

Impression Sweet Peas

I enjoyed painting the indistinct shape of these complicated flowers...trying to render them as a mass of shapes and colours and tones.  Also liked doing the glass vase.  Watercolour is so good for painting glass.  After all it's see through, like water!

Also enjoyed putting all the new videos on my YouTube channel.  

Have you seen this?  It's a new project that we have uploaded on to YouTube.  It's in five separate parts and you can watch a preview of each one...

This is the painting I demonstrate, start to finish.

Sunny Dog Roses

I hope you'll take a look!

More news soon.  Enjoy the lighter days and let's hope for some warmer days soon!