
Saturday 29 June 2013

Cromford June residential course...We had a good time!

Back from my first residential painting course in Derbyshire and it couldn't have been better...even the weather behaved and the sun shone upon us.

(Click on any of the photos to enlarge)

Happy band of painters

We painted, sketched, stretched in our morning yoga class, and were expertly massaged by Sophie.  
On the morning that I had planned a pen and wash sketching session outside the weather was perfect, sunny, not too hot, no wind, wonderful.  

Pam and Gwen sketching in the sunshine

The local chickens provide a great subject for Jacky and Averil.

We did some great work in the studio, painting a stunning hollyhock study and a colourful exotic orchid composition.  Some worked very successfully on their own individual compositions.  Everyone enjoyed their opportunity to really get stuck in and concentrated and worked so hard; and I think when the paintings were displayed we were all a bit amazed at what we'd produced!

Some of the work produced over the three days was stunning.

Our aim was to RELAX! and we worked hard at that....joke!  There was a collective tribute at the end of the course consisting of a card with a cartoon drawn by the very talented Jane (Ford).  I don't usually roar with laughter quite so exuberantly but that was funny!

You had to be there!

You are one in a million Jane and thanks for keeping us entertained.

Alison House did us proud as always and we had some delicious meals and were very comfortable in our rooms.  We had fun and I want to thank all those lovely people, painters and non painting partners alike for making this event a real success and one which will always bring a smile to my face and good memories to mind.

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