
Wednesday 19 June 2013

Sunny Derbyshire awaits!

Today we took a trip up to Cromford to whet our appetites for the holiday next week.  Sophie wanted to have a look at the studio space and the lie of the land.  The sun was shining when we arrived.  The house faces South and it's a real sun trap outside the lounge (which we noted had beautiful new chairs!) and we had a nice cup of coffee and admired the garden.

Coffee break in the sun.

June garden, looking good.

Outside the studios the dog roses were in bloom and looking good enough to paint!  we looked up past the old apple trees to the wild flower meadow beyond and thought...Yes, this'll do nicely!
Can't wait til next week!


  1. Ooh so wish I could be there Ann! Fingers crossed for good weather for you!

  2. Hello Ann! My name is Leticia and I live in Guadalajara, in Mexico! Let me tell you that I love your paintings! Though you are too far for me to join one of your workshops! I'd love to be able to paint like you! I would also like to invite you to check my art blog too! I would be honored if you could leave a comment and also give me some feed back on my watercolors!! The address is:
    I know I still have a long way to based on your photos! I would also be very happy to congratulate your students' paintings! They are awesome!
    Thank you very, very much for reading this! Hope you can check my blog!
    Regards from Guadalajara!
